Our Mission is:
to be the UK’s leading expert body for rail wagons, dedicated to advancing their safe and efficient operation through the application of technical skills and knowledge, best practice and digital innovation, and promoting the wagon sector’s contribution to delivering a sustainable, low carbon economy.
The principal objectives of the RWA are:
to undertake the role of a professional trade body for any person or persons who operate, maintain, manage infrastructure for, supply products to, supply services to or promote Rail Freight Wagons within any part of the region,
to represent the interests of Rail Freight Wagon owners, keepers, users, designers, manufacturers, hirers, consultants, ECMs, maintainers and operators by liaison with industry participants, the DfT, the UIC (via UIP membership) and any other appropriate bodies,
to support the production and maintenance and harmonisation of industry standards and guidance for Rail Freight Wagons through RSSB and other appropriate bodies in accordance with the interests of Members,
to support and promote the safe design, construction and operation of Rail Freight Wagons,
to develop and share best practice and to support and promote innovation through the development of more efficient Rail Freight Wagon designs, maintenance and operation,
to promote rail freight as an efficient, cost effective and environmentally friendly means of freight distribution both nationally and internationally with the UK Government, the European Union and any other appropriate bodies, and
to promote the enhancement of the rail infrastructure for Rail Freight Wagons.